The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS Spectral Atlas

of Gaseous Molecules of Atmospheric Interest

Hannelore Keller-Rudek1, Geert K. Moortgat2, Rolf Sander2, Rüdiger Sörensen1

1Satellite Group

2Atmospheric Chemistry Division

Max-Planck Institute for Chemistry
Mainz, Germany


Cross Sections

Quantum Yields


Contact, Imprint, Acknowledgements

When referring to the Spectral Atlas, please cite our publication:

Keller-Rudek, H., Moortgat, G. K., Sander, R., and Sörensen, R.: The MPI-Mainz UV/VIS spectral atlas of gaseous molecules of atmospheric interest, Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 5, 365–373, (2013), DOI: 10.5194/essd-5-365-2013

Cross Sections / Organics (carbonyls) / Aldehydes(aliphatic) / CH2O / JPL-2010(2011)_298K_226-370nm(rec,atm)

DATAFILE: CH2O_JPL-2010(2011)_298K_226-370nm(rec,atm).txt
NAME: formaldehyde, methanal
AUTHOR(YEAR): JPL-2010(2011)
T: 298K
λ: 226-370nm(rec,atm)
BIBLIOGRAPHY: S.P. Sander, J. Abbatt, J. R. Barker, J. B. Burkholder, R. R. Friedl, D. M. Golden, R. E. Huie, C. E. Kolb, M. J. Kurylo, G. K. Moortgat, V. L. Orkin and P. H. Wine, "Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies, Evaluation Number 17", JPL Publication 10-6, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 2011;
COMMENTS: JPL-2010 recommendation, adopting the earlier recommendation of

S.P. Sander, R.R. Friedl, D.M. Golden, M.J. Kurylo, G.K. Moortgat, H. Keller-Rudek, P.H. Wine, A.R. Ravishankara, C.E. Kolb, M.J. Molina, B.J. Finlayson-Pitts, R.E. Huie, V.L. Orkin, “Chemical Kinetics and Photochemical Data for Use in Atmospheric Studies. Evaluation Number 15“, JPL Publication 06-2, Jet Propulsion Laboratory, Pasadena, 2006; :

224-373nm(int-c), i.e., averaged over the spectral intervals of 500 cm-1 and 5 nm used in atmospheric modelling calculations; intervals No. 71-107: 224.7-227.3, 227.3-229.9,....., 307.7-312.5, 312.5-317.5, ....., 367.5-372.5 nm; first column: center of interval, of

R. Meller and G.K. Moortgat, "Temperature dependence of the absorption cross sections of formaldehyde between 223 and 323 K in the wavelength range 225-375 nm," J. Geophys. Res. 105(D6), 7089-7101 (2000); DOI: 10.1029/1999JD901074 ,

and empirical fit of the temperature dependence (223-323 K):

σ(λ, T) = σ(298 K) + Γ × (T - 298 K) with the temperature coefficients

λ    1024 Γ
(nm)  (cm2 molec.-1 K-1)
251.6   0.720
254.8   1.77
258.1   5.35
261.4   1.45
264.9   5.00
268.5   2.80
272.1   3.87
275.9  -5.73
279.7  -3.60
283.7 -22.3
287.7  -7.47
292.0 -34.9
296.3   5.73
300.8   2.80
305.4  -1.73
310.1  -5.47
315.0   8.40
320.0   8.13
325.0   3.87
330.0  10.5
335.0   1.71
340.0   15.2
345.0   0.480
350.0  -3.40

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